Cultivating Mindfulness in Music
Our emotional wellbeing is every bit as important as our physical wellbeing.
Things to promote positive mindfulness
- Live in the moment. When you’re fully engaged in activities, you will enjoy them more and be less preoccupied by concerns about things already in the past and what is yet to happen.
- Be grateful. Develop an attitude of gratitude, this evokes positive emotions, feelings of optimism, life satisfaction, and you will feel connected with others.
- Do things for others, go the extra mile. Happiness comes from connecting with others and not being overly self-focused. Try to do things that benefit someone or something other than yourself.
- Take stock of your strengths, then apply them in new ways in your daily routines. For example, If you consider yourself courageous, try something that challenges you like public speaking.
- Remember the times you were happy. Reminisce about them, celebrate good moments with others, celebrate when you accomplish something.
Take responsibility for your well-being
1. Take responsibility first and foremost for your health. That means eating the right things and exercising regularly. It also apples to your mind, don’t feed it negativity.
2. Let your personal strengths work for you. If you’re a disciplined, an organised professional, see what you can apply from your work life to the change you want to make now?
3. Come up with reasonable and small achievable goals. “Find something that’s a small change. Go for a walk at lunch, walk while you’re talking on the phone. What’s the smallest change you can make that can produce the greatest result. Look for the win win.
4. Be accountable for your changes. You’ll do much better if you share your progress to a loved one or friend, someone who will encourage and challenge.
5. Pay attention to the benefits. The value of the change, such as sleeping better because you are exercising, this can become the motivation to continue that change. When you see that change is possible, you’ll be empowered to make more changes.
Basil Reynolds
Coaching Consultant
Finding the Music Inside