Finding The Music Inside Consultancy

Finding The Music Inside

Success in the music industry goes far beyond technical skill. It’s about unlocking your full potential, building a resilient mindset, and forging a deep, authentic connection to your art.

The Dilemma

“I’ve been where you are—stuck and frustrated. But I discovered the strategies that transformed my career and helped others thrive. Now, it’s your turn to break through and succeed”.

Cutting Through the Noise

At Finding The Music Inside, we know that the path to success in the music industry starts from within. As a premier Development Consultancy, we specialise in the inner dimensions of performance—those critical mental and emotional aspects that shape your success.

Why It Matters

Let’s face it—making it in music is harder than ever. Talent alone won’t cut it; 90% of artists don’t make it because they lack the right mindset, persistence, and emotional resilience.

At Finding The Music Inside, we’re here to change that. We provide the support and strategies you need to overcome these challenges and reach your full potential. With us, you’ll gain the tools to stand out, stay strong, and make a lasting impact on your music career.

What They Said

Ashaine White – “Having Basil as a coach was amazing. He tailored his approach to help me, a self motivated person looking for guidance and support, feel seen, heard and supported – providing caring, honest and inspiring insight throughout”

Michael Aldag – Recording Artist for Universal Music “Having had several sessions with Basil at different times in my career he has helped to keep me on track and focused on the goal and has a unique and valuable ability to make you see the bigger picture in an enjoyable, seamless way.”

Mobo Agoro – Forij Talent Management Agency – “My sessions with Basil came at the absolute best time. Having spent the last few months learning & actioning – but also getting to a point near burn out – having Basil as a coach has shifted my mindset in so many different ways. Having an outside perspective disconnected to Scotland who is invested in me rather than my acts is breath of fresh air. I often pour a lot into other people’s cups & having an hour with Basil where I can slow -down and reflect and be poured into has been the boost & backwind needed to step with my head high. The coaching sessions are something I look-forward to and are definitely something I want to continue over the long term as I’m seeing the effect it has had on not only how interact with potential partners but also feed into how I manage stress and that of the acts & colleagues I work with.”

Yaw Owusu – The Playmaker Group – “Basil Reynolds’ Personal Development sessions have been great for the young people on the Academy. Tackling the main personal challenges and hurdles our talented cohort are facing and re-aligning their processes and practices has allowed them to develop a renewed energy and approach to their careers and personal development. The results can be seen immediately – as they have all moved forward with clarity and focus unseen before. Concurrently, he has helped raise our project’s dedication to personal development and impact. We strongly recommend Basil Reynolds for your personal development needs.”

Beth ‘LazyGirl’ Harris – Singer, songwriter, producer & performer “Not only is it extremely helpful to hear supportive comments from someone outside of your artistic process, but Basil takes the time to learn and understand why your behaviours exist in the first place and help you proactively move forward with your artistic journey, peppering in nuggets of wisdom in each session. He has helped me realise the ways in which I can stand in the way of my journey as an artist, such as negative voices and lack of self-belief. By helping me identify these issues and giving me the support needed to combat them, Basil has effectively helped to clear the mental path on my journey to becoming a professional artist”.

John Haynes – International Coaching Academy – “Mr Basil Reynolds is one of ICA’s strongest Master Coaches. He has values of honesty and integrity and his personality is his trademark. Basil always goes the extra mile for people and his smile is infectious. His major strength is his skills and knowledge, and he has tremendous emotional intelligence.”

If you want to know more: Contact me at