Q. What questions am I talking about?

The ones that those who have never been in music ask. These questions are based on ignorance, guesswork, fears and self-destructive thoughts centred around how some people think the music industry works. By seeking the answers to these questions, you can only reduce the likeliness that you will ever have a chance at developing a successful music career.

To grow a successful music career, you must understand how the music industry works and ask the right questions based on that knowledge. Once you ask questions like this and get them answered, your potential to build a successful career will quickly grow. Warning, success is not guaranteed, many things must align.

Q. How can I transform listeners into a loyal fanbase?

Don’t ask “how can I get more fans?” Why? The number of fans you have is very unimportant if they are all just listeners. These are people who like your music, but don’t actually buy it or support you in any way. That said, a loyal fanbase buy your whole catalogue, wear your brand’s, come to your live shows.

Q. Which group do you think helps your music career grow faster?

Once you have built a loyal fanbase, they will do a lot of the promotional work for you by telling people about your brand and purchasing everything you create.


Q. How do I transition from my job to a career in music?

First transitioning from a job to a career can be rewarding but a challenging process.

Q. What are your defined music goals?

Having a clear goal will guide your path.

Q. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Connect with people within the industry and attend music events, conferences and search out all networking opportunities.

Q. How can you create a strong online presence?

Share your music, engage with your audience, and build a following.

Q. How can you raise your income as a musician and create an exit strategy completely replacing your job’s salary with income from your music career?

A career in music can be financially uncertain.

Q. What is your financial plan to support you during transition? Who can you speak to, to develop one?

The music industry is highly competitive, and success may not come overnight. Persistence, dedication, continuous improvement, being in the right place at the right time and knowing influential people.

A lot of people get into the music business expecting companies to fall all over them with opportunities, contracts or deals because they simply exist… Of course, this is not the case, and only a tiny group of musicians ever bother

asking what they need to do in order to achieve such opportunities. To get the best opportunities in the music business, you need to make yourself more valuable and less risky to other people and companies than anybody else.

For example: think about the challenge of getting shows. Answer the question the venue and promotor are asking. How can I fill out this event, you do this and they will be cuing up to book you.

Always remember it is the music business. By running your music career like a business and creating streams of income, you give yourself more exposure to earn as a musician.

Basil Reynolds

Coaching Consultant

Finding the Music Inside